Monday, February 16, 2009

Evaluate the Internal and External Rewards of a Job or Career When Making a Change

People make job and career changes for many reasons. Maybe you're making a job or career change because you no longer find it meaningful (lack of internal reward). Perhaps you're making a job or career change for financial reasons (lack of external reward). Or perhaps because you're burned out due to that demanding job or career; although these stressors are the result of the work environment, it's a well known fact that it's easier to burn out in a job or career with limited internal rewards.

Most of you know someone who has a low paying job (maybe working for a non-profit) which they find meaningful and are very happy; many even restructure their lives so that they can live on what they earn as long as they can continue to work in the job or career they love. But this is not for everybody. What you need to do is find a happy medium. That is, find a job and career where you feel you are making a significant contribution to your company, your profession, or society. And as long as the new job or career allows you to earn what you need to maintain the lifestyle you desire, then you've hit a wining combination and are ahead of the pack.

Have you evaluated the internal and external rewards of the new job or career you're considering?

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