Saturday, September 26, 2009

How Important are Vocational Interests and Aptitudes When Choosing a Career?

Aptitudes are natural abilities that we develop with minimal effort or training. People display various aptitudes, from motor abilities (finger dexterity, manual dexterity, foot-hand-eye coordination) to verbal, numerical, and clerical aptitude, etc. It is important to consider aptitudes when selecting a job/career because certain aptitudes will help us succeed in certain occupations by making it easy to acquire career skills and knowledge and increase our career opportunities.

Of course, to identify a satisfying career a person must not only have the needed aptitudes, but also have interest in the occupation, or the work will become boring or meaningless in time. Interest leads to increased competence, high motivation, and creativity. Aptitudes are sometimes linked with interests in that our interests often develop along our natural abilities. A person might decide to become a pianist because she has the finger and manual dexterity necessary and values self-expression. And, a bank teller might be happy in his job because he likes paying attention to detail and has the clerical and numerical aptitude to succeed.

If you are unclear what your vocational interests and aptitudes are, a vocational evaluation might be in order. Many adult programs (non-profits), which provide job placement and career training offer vocational evaluation services. Some community colleges and public vocational/technical schools also offer these services. For more information call your local adult education program.

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